In colonial times, there was a fascination with all things of nature. Illustrations of flowers, fruits, and animals of all kinds were commissioned during this period of exploration and discovery. These illustrations also became the basis for designs found in textiles, ceramics, metals, and carved wood. A particularly clever use of illustrations for business was Twelve Months of Fruits, published in 1732 by English nurseryman Robert Furber. He selected 364 varieties of fruits, grouped them according to the month his London patrons could expect them to ripen in a garden or greenhouse, and identified each one with its botanical name so that the proper seed or plant could be purchased.
The Bountiful Collection is inspired by the rich array of fruit illustrations found in rare prints as well as in textiles and ceramics. The damask and other designs are interpreted from early- and mid-19th-century textiles in the collections of The Colonial Williamsburg Foundation. The collage design combines these elements with actual recipes from the 18th century.
With beautiful designs, enticing colors, and timeless appeal, these fabrics will help quilters create their own piece of history.