Fabric Gallery

by MY KT
by MY❤KT
by Whistler Studios
by Kate McRostie
by Ampersand Design Studio
by MY❤KT
by Maren Scott
by Jan Avellana
by Whistler Studios
by Whistler Studios
by Whistler Studios
by Whistler Studios
by Whistler Studios
by Mary Koval
by Whistler Studios
by Nancy Gere™
by Whistler Studios
by Whistler Studios
by Whistler Studios
by Whistler Studios
by Tamara Kate
by French Bull
by Whistler Studios
by Whistler Studios
by Mary Koval
by Nancy Gere
by Sheri Small
by Mary Koval
by Whistler Studios
Inspired by the collections of Colonial Williamsburg
Exclusively by Windham Fabrics
by Whistler Studios
by Whistler Studios
by Jeanne Horton
by Whistler Studios
by American Vintage
by Mary Koval
by The Harriet Beecher Stowe Center
by The Harriet Beecher Stowe Center
by Whistler Studios
by Ampersand Design Studio
by Whistler Studios
by Whistler Studios
by Williamsburg
by Williamsburg
by Whistler Studios
by Whistler Studios
by Kelly Ventura
by Williamsburg
by Bari J.
by Whistler Studios
by Whistler Studios
Inspired by the collections of Colonial Williamsburg
Exclusively by Windham Fabrics
by Valorie Evers Wenk
by Another Point of View
by Another Point of View
by Pat Speth
by Whistler Studios
by Whistler Studios
by Rosemarie Lavin
by Whistler Studios
by Nancy Gere
by Whistler Studios
by Betty Cotton
by Allison Harris
by Jill McDonald
by Julia Rothman
by Patty Harants
by Mary Koval
by Whistler Studios
by Pat Speth
by Whistler Studios
by Katie Pertiet for Whistler Studios
by Lotta Jansdotter
by Whistler Studios
by Rosemarie Lavin
by Carolyn Gavin
by Clare Therese Gray
by Marcia Derse
by Fiona Stokes-Gibert
by Laurie Bird
by Whistler Studios
by Williamsburg
by Nancy Gere
by Sophia Santander
by Ampersand Design
by Whistler Studios
Paige Stanley Miller
by MY❤KT
by Marcia Derse
by Whistler Studios
by Katie Pertiet for Whistler Studios
by Another Point of View
by Rosemarie Lavin
by Marcia Derse
Inspired by the collections of Colonial Williamsburg
Exclusively by Windham Fabrics
by Jackie Shapiro
by Kelly Ventura
by Allison Harris
Inspired by the collections of Colonial Williamsburg
Exclusively by Windham Fabrics
by Valorie Evers Wenk
by Whistler Studios
by Janine Vangool
by Rosemarie Lavin
by Heather Ross

If you are in the Manufacturing Division making items for resale with Heather Ross fabric, we supply a beautiful hang tag designed by Heather. Please contact Robin [robin@baumtextile.com] for more details and pricing information.
For all items made for resale with Heather Ross fabric, we supply a beautiful hang tag designed by Heather. Please contact Robin (robin@baumtextile.com) for more details and pricing information.
by Whistler Studios
by Another Point of View
in Association with the Buffalo Bill Historical Center
by Amy Gibson
by Whistler Studios
by Sally Kelly
by Jackie Shapiro
by American Vintage
by Melissa Ybarra of Iza Pearl Design
by Color Bakery
by Rosemarie Lavin
Maurer FoundationA portion of the proceeds from sales of this collection is donated to the Maurer Foundation
by Whistler Studios
by Whistler Studios
by Another Point of View
by Nancy Gere
by Nancy Gere
by Jessica Levitt
by Whistler Studios
by Whistler Studios
by Mary Koval
by Pela Studio for Wild Apple
by Whistler Studios
by Julie Hendricksen
by Melissa Ybarra of Iza Pearl Design
by Nancy Gere
by Nancy Gere
by Another Point of View
by Allison Smith
by Whistler Studios
Inspired by the collections of Colonial Williamsburg
Exclusively by Windham Fabrics
by Color Bakery
by Whistler Studios
by Rosemarie Lavin Design
Inspired by the collections of Colonial Williamsburg
Exclusively by Windham Fabrics
by Another Point of View
by Another Point of View
by Nancy Gere
Founder of the American Red Cross
Inspired by the collections of Colonial Williamsburg
Exclusively by Windham Fabrics
by Another Point of View
by Whistler Studios
by Carrie Bloomston
by Nancy Gere
by Jill McDonald
by Whistlers Studios
by Sophia Santander
by Rosemarie Lavin
Maurer FoundationA portion of the proceeds from sales of this collection is donated to the Maurer Foundation
by Sue Schlabach
by Whistler Studios
by Lisa Schiller
by Shannon Christensen
by Megan Duncanson
by Bari J.
by Betty Caithness
by Whistler Studios
by Whistler Studios
by Whistler Studios
by Shelburne Museum
by Ampersand Design Studio
by Ashley Newcomb of Film In The Fridge
by Sara Franklin
by Julie Hendricksen
by Angela Pingel
by Whistler Studios
by Mary Koval
by Whistler Studios
by Annabel Wrigley
by Mary Koval
by Margo Krager
by Margo Krager
by Margo Krager
by Margo Krager
by Margo Krager
by Rosemarie Lavin
by Brenda Papadakis
by Brenda Papadakis
by Rosemarie Lavin
by Margo Krager
by Jackie Shapiro / French Bull
by Whistler Studios
by Fierce Mally
by Whistler Studios
by Nancy Gere
by Rosemarie Lavin
by Rosemarie Lavin Design
by Whistler Studios
by LB Krueger
by Whistler Studios
by Carrie Bloomston
by Sue Schluback of Wild Apple
by Whistler Studios
in Association with the DAR Museum
by Whistler Studios
by Mary Koval
by Rosemarie Lavin
by Rosemarie Lavin
Maurer FoundationA portion of the proceeds from sales of this collection is donated to the Maurer Foundation
by Another Point of View
by Whistler Studios
by Williamsburg
by Mary Koval
by Whistler Studios
by Whistler Studios
by L Atelier Perdu
by Whistler Studios
by Sarah Fielke
by Betsy Olmsted
by Rosemarie Lavin Design
by Whistler Studios
Inspired by the collections of Colonial Williamsburg
Exclusively by Windham Fabrics
by Lisa DeBee Schiller
by Whistler Studios
by Whistler Studios
by Mary Koval
by Mary Koval
by Heather Ross
by Kate McRostie
by Whistler Studios
by Lily Gonzales-Creed
by Whistler Studios
in association with the National Museum of the American Coverelet
by LB Krueger
by LB Krueger
by L.B. Krueger
by Jeanne Horton
by LB Krueger
by Whistler Studios
by American Jane
by Rosemarie Lavin
Maurer FoundationA portion of the proceeds from sales of this collection is donated to the Maurer Foundation
by Whistler Studios
by Whistler Studios
by It's Sew Emma
by Foliage
Whistler Studios
by Rosemarie Lavin
by Another Point of View

Flora by Kelly Ventura is a collection of modern watercolor florals. In shades of bright red, teal green and midnight grey, this collection is sure to delight. Ditzy dots and a hand painted stripe round out this beautiful collection. The perfect collection to update for a teen or young woman's bedroom. Also available in Cotton Lawn, these prints easily lend themselves for beautiful dresses, tote bags and other accessories. Quilting cotton 20 skus. Cotton Lawn 5 skus. PLEASE NOTE: Cotton Lawn is 53"x54" inches wide.

On sale April 2015. Delivery to stores July 2015.

by Genevieve Gail

by Carolyn Gavin for Ecojot
by Rosemarie Lavin
Maurer FoundationA portion of the proceeds from sales of this collection is donated to the Maurer Foundation
by Allison Jane Smith
by Rosemarie Lavin Design
Inspired by the collections of Colonial Williamsburg
Exclusively by Windham Fabrics
by Whistler Studios
by Lotta Jansdotter
by Lotta Jansdotter
by Whistler Studios
by Petit Collage
by Sophia Santander
by L Atelier Perdu
by Another Point of View
by Whistler Studios
by Whistler Studios
by Bari J. Ackerman (Bari J.)
by Mary Koval
by Whistler Studios
by Whistler Studios
by Laurie Bird
by Melissa Ybarra of Iza Pearl Design
by Tracie Lyn Huskamp
by Nancy Zieman and Natalie Sewell
by Dinara Mirtapilova
by Valerie Evers Wenk
by Whistler Studios
Civil War VIII
With assistance from the Gettysburg National Military Park Museum and the Gettysburg National Archives
by Whistler Studios
by Kate McCrostie
by Terri Degenkolb
by Lotta Jansdotter
by Whistler Studios
by Another Point of View
by Kim Andersson
by Whistler Studios
Inspired by the collections of Colonial Williamsburg
Exclusively by Windham Fabrics
by Whistler Studios
by Whistler Studios
by Another Point of View
Inspired by the collections of Colonial Williamsburg
Exclusively by Windham Fabrics
by Gerald Roy
Windham Fabrics
by Lori Seibert
by Genevieve Gail
by Brian Haggard
by Williamsburg
by Natalie Barnes - BRP
by Carolyn Gavin
by Macrina Busato
by Whistler Studios
by Whistler Studios
in Association with the Daughters of the American Revolution
“Patriots in Petticoats”
Block of the Month
by Whistler Studios
by Rosemarie Lavin
by Allison Harris
Inspired by the collections of Colonial Williamsburg
Exclusively by Windham Fabrics
by Whistler Studios
by Melissa Ybarra of Iza Pearl Design
by Allison Harris
by Whistler Studios
Inspired by the collections of Colonial Williamsburg
Exclusively by Windham Fabrics
by Sue Schlabach
by Whistler Studios
by Whistler Studios
by Rosemarie Lavin Design
Inspired by the collections of Colonial Williamsburg
Exclusively by Windham Fabrics
by Whistler Studios
by Laurie Bird
by Whistler Studios
by Whistler Studios
Inspired by the collections of Colonial Williamsburg
Exclusively by Windham Fabrics
by LB Krueger
by Whistler Studios
by Whistler Studios
by Whistler Studios

by Carolyn Gavin for Ecojot
by Pela Studio for Wild Apple
by Another Point of View
by Amy Sedaris
by Rosemarie Lavin Design
by Another Point of View
by Whistler Studios
by Whistler Studios
Inspired by the collections of Colonial Williamsburg
Exclusively by Windham Fabrics
by Nancy Gere
by Whistler Studios
by Fiona Stokes-Gilbert for Whistler Studios
by Whistler Studios
by Whistler Studios
by Rosemarie Lavin
by Whistler Studios
by Daphne Brissonnet
by Petra Prins
by Whistler Studios
by Paige Stanley Miller
by Jackie Shapiro for French Bull
by Whistler Studios
by Rosemarie Lavin
by Nancy Gere
by Rosemarie Lavin
by Whistler Studios
by Heather Ross
by Jill Shaulis
by Jill Shaulis
by Another Point of View
by Jessica Levitt
by Whistler Studios
by Whistler Studios
by Mary Koval
by Whistler Studios
by Whistler Studios
by Patty Harants
by Whistler Studios
by Mary Koval
by Whistler Studios
by Whistler Studios
by Whistler Studios
by Nancy Gere
by Karen Cruden
by Karen Cruden
by Whistler Studios
by Kate McRostie
by Whistler Studios
Inspired by the collections of Colonial Williamsburg
Exclusively by Windham Fabrics
by Pela Studios
by Whistler Studios
by Whistler Studios
by Marcia Derse
by LB Krueger
by Jackie Clark
by Melanie Hurlston
by Whistler Studios
by Another Point of View
by Whistler Studios
by Whistler Studios
by Whistler Studios
by Prima
by Nancy Gere
by Lotta Jansdotter
by Another Point of View
Luna Sol
by Mary Koval
by Whistler Studios
by Julie Hendricksen
by Natalie Barnes - BRP
by Rosemarie Lavin
by Nancy Gere
by Bethany Fuller
by Annabel Wrigley
in Association with the Quilter’s Hall of Fame and Georgia Bonesteel
by Another Point of View
by Sue Schlabach
by Cheryl Warwick
by MY❤KT
by Mary Koval
by McCall's
by Whistler Studios
by Melanie Testa
by Jill McDonald
by Whistler Studios
by Heather Ross
by Whistler Studios
by Whistler Studios
by Whistler Studios
by Nancy Gere
by Another Point of View
by Julie Hendricksen
by Dinara Mirtalipova
by Rosemarie Lavin
by Mary Elizabeth Kinch
by Jackie Shapiro
by Another Point of View
by Whistler Studios
by Nancy Gere™
by Lotta Jansdotter
by Michelle Blackhurst
by Whistler Studios
by Sheri Small
by Marcia Derse
by French Bull
by Jill McDonald
by Whistler Studios
by Erica Hite
by Whistler Studios
by Jackie Shapiro
by LB Krueger
by Katia Hoffman
by American Vintage
by Whistler Studio
by Tracie Lyn Huskamp
by Alyson Beaton
by Jackie Shapiro
by Nancy Gere™
Inspired by the collections of Colonial Williamsburg
Exclusively by Windham Fabrics
by Rosemarie Lavin
by Lily Gonzales-Creed
by Clare Therese Gray
by Whistler Studios
by Rosemarie Lavin
by Whistler Studios
Whistler Studios
by Another Point of View
by Whistler Studios
by Allison Harris of Cluck Cluck Sew
by Rosemarie Lavin
Maurer FoundationA portion of the proceeds from sales of this collection is donated to the Maurer Foundation
by Whistler Studios
by Whistler Studios
by Whistler Studios
by Whistlers Studios
by Whistler Studios
by Nancy Gere
by Jeanne Horton
by Tracie Lyn Huskamp
by Whistler Studios
by Whistler Studios
by Carrie Bloomston of SUCH Designs
by Striped Pear Studios
by Whistler Studios
by Whistler Studios
by Rosemarie Lavin
by Mary Koval
by Whistler Studios
by Sherri Marquez
by Heather Givans
by Kate McRostie
by Mary Koval
by Whistler Studios
by Whistler Studios
by L Atelier Perdu
by Whistlers Studios
by Allison Jane Smith
by Rosemarie Lavin
In Association with the Chester County Historical Society
by Whistler Studios

by Carolyn Gavin for Ecojot
by Annette Plog
by Nancy Gere
by Another Point of View
by Rosemarie Lavin
by American Vintage
by Jackie Shapiro
by MY-KT
by Whistler Studios
by Mary Koval
by Julie Hendricksen
by Another Point of View
by Another Point of View
by Whistler Studios
by Rosemarie Lavin
by Whistler Studios
by Whistler Studios
by Whistler Studios
by Jackie Shapiro / French Bull
by Whistler Studios
Inspired by the collections of Colonial Williamsburg
Exclusively by Windham Fabrics
by Rosemarie Lavin Design
by Mary Koval
by Whistler Studios
by Mary Koval
by Susie Osburn
by Jeanne Horton
by Gerald Roy
by Laurie Bird of Rose Cottage
by Mary Koval
by Mary Koval
by Mary Koval
by Whistler Studios
by Rosemarie Lavin
by Whistler Studios
by Rosemarie Lavin
Maurer FoundationA portion of the proceeds from sales of this collection is donated to the Maurer Foundation
by Mary Koval
by Rosemarie Lavin
Maurer FoundationA portion of the proceeds from sales of this collection is donated to the Maurer Foundation
by Rosemarie Lavin Design
by Julia Rothman
by Jeanne Horton
by Terri Degenkolb
by Bullwinkle Studios
by Whistler Studios
by Whistler Studios
by Whistler Studios
by Rosemarie Lavin Design
by Eileen Jahnke Trestain
Author of Dating Fabrics
by Julie Hendricksen
by Whistler Studios
by Whistler Studios
by Michelle Blackhurst
by Mary Koval
by Foliage
by Jill McDonald
by Whistler Studios
by Whistler Studios
by Whistler Studios
by Whistler Studios
by Nancy Gere
by Jackie Shapiro
In Association with Shelburne Museum of Vermont
In Association with Shelburne Museum of Vermont
by Nancy Gere
by Whistler Studios
by Another Point of View
by Whistler Studios
by Lisa DeBee Schiller
by Karen Cruden
by Jeanne Horton
by Mary Koval
by Mary Koval
by Karen Cruden
by Whistler Studios
by Heather Ross
by Maria Carluccio
by Whistler Studios
by Another Point of View
by Sarah Fielke
by Whistler Studios
by Whistler Studios
by Yolanda Fundora with Barbara Campbell
by Whistler Studios
by Holly Anderson
by Mary Koval
by Another Point of View
by Rosemarie Lavin
by Whistler Studios
by Whistler Studios
by Whistler Studios
by Rosemarie Lavin
by bella caronia
by Another Point of View
by Whistler Studios
by Katia Hoffman
by Whistler Studios
by Whistler Studios
by Whistler Studios
by Lotta Jansdotter
by Betty Cotton
by Carrie Bloomston
by Whistler Studios
by Whistler Studios
by Whistler Studios
by Whistler Studios
by Whistler Studios
by Whistler Studios
by Whistler Studios
by Whistler Studios
by Heather Givans
by Heather Ross
by Sara Franklin
by Iza Pearl Design
by Williamsburg
by Holly Anderson
by Another Point of View
by Striped Pear Studios
by Maria Carluccio
by Jackie Clark
by Jackie Shapiro
by Dinara Mirtalipova
by Whistler Studio
by Lotta Jansdotter
by Whistler Studios
by Whistler Studios
by Whistler Studios
In Association with the Connecticut Historical Society
by Whistler Studios
by Whistler Studios
by Hackney and Co.
by Whistler Studios
by Yolanda Fundora with Barbara Campbell
by Whistler Studios
by Whistler Studios
by Whistler Studios
In Association with Shelburne Museum of Vermont
by Whistler Studios
Inspired by the collections of Colonial Williamsburg
Exclusively by Windham Fabrics
In Association with the National Museum
of the America Coverlet

by Mary Koval
Inspired by the collections of Colonial Williamsburg
Exclusively by Windham Fabrics
Inspired by the collections of Colonial Williamsburg
Exclusively by Windham Fabrics
by Rosemarie Lavin
A portion of the proceeds from sales of this collection is donated to the Maurer Foundation
by Whistler Studios
by Whistler Studios
In association with The Mark Twain House & Museum
by Lotta Jansdotter
Debuted 11-15-2011
Inspired by the collections of Colonial Williamsburg
Exclusively by Windham Fabrics
The Quilts of Gee’s Bend™
Quilters Collective History
by Jeanne Horton
by Whistler Studios
by Yolanda Fundora with Barbara Campbell
by Paul Meisel
by Whistler Studios
by Rosemarie Lavin
by Whistler Studios
In conjunction with the National Museum of the American Coverlet
by Julie Hendricksen
by Whistler Studios
by Whistler Studios
by Sophia Santander
by Kim Andersson
by Whistler Studios
by Heather Ross
by Jessica Levitt
by Rosemarie Lavin
by Another Point of View
by Whistler Studios
by Rosemarie Lavin
by Whistler Studios
by Whistler Studios
by Melanie Dekker
by Whistler Studios
by Allison Smith
by Jeanne Horton
by Mary Koval
by Heather Ross
by Another Point of View
by Whistler Studios
by Whistler Studios
by Julia Rothman
by Whistler Studios
by Whistler Studios
by Whistler Studios
by Whistler Studios
by Whistler Studios
by Janine Vangool
by Janine Vangool
by Whistler Studios
by Mary Koval
by Mary Koval
by The Henry Ford
by Another Point of View
by Pat Speth
by Mary Koval
by Margo Krager
by Another Point of View
Inspired by the collections of Colonial Williamsburg
Exclusively by Windham Fabrics
by Whistler Studios
by LB Krueger
by Allison Harris from Cluck Cluck Sew
by Julie Hendricksen
by Sophia Santander for Whistler Studios
by Sophia Santander
by Whistler Studios
by Whistler Studios
by Lisa DeBee Schiller
by Nancy Gere
by Rosemarie Lavin
by Jenny Haskins
by Victoria Johnson
by Whistler Studios
by Sophia Santander
by Dinara Mirtalipova
by Wild Apple
by Kelly Ventura
a collaboration with the State Museum of Pennsylvania
Inspired by the collections of Colonial Williamsburg
Exclusively by Windham Fabrics
by Whistler Studios
by Historic Huguenot Street
by Whistler Studios
by Whistler Studios
by Mary Koval
by Kate Mcrostie
by Sarah Fielke
by Sue Schlabach
by Jeanne Horton
by Jeanne Horton
by Lisa deBee Schiller
by Jackie Shapiro / French Bull
by Whistler Studios